This week (3-9th June) is Volunteers Week!

This week is an opportunity for us to fly the flag and shout from the roof tops about our wonderful volunteers at Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey.

We wouldn’t be able to provide the unwavering support to people who are Deaf, hard of hearing, blind, partially sighted and deafblind without our dedicated army of brilliant volunteers. We are talking about the ones helping our events run smoothly, pouring the teas and coffees, driving blind and partially sighted people to our Meet Up and Catch Up events, and the ones that sort out setting up a computer for a blind or partially sighted person in their home so they can Zoom with family abroad and keep in touch.


Image of volunteer Lewis. He is standing outside and is giving the thumbs up.

Lewis volunteers to help with weekend events that the Children and Young People’s Services (CYPS) team organise for the families we support.

“I think one of the skills that I’ve picked up while volunteering for the charity is being able to work really well in the team.”

He feels his experience as a volunteer has really helped his teamwork skills and future job prospects. He’s also been amazed about the incredible variety of activities run by the team. Thank you for volunteering with us Lewis!




Image shows Anita sitting down inside the offices at Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey.

Anita loves helping out and finds volunteering is great for improving her wellbeing. She’s been brilliant at helping us to post out copies of our charity magazine Signpost in accessible formats to our supporters in good time.

“It gives me great satisfaction doing this voluntary work. And it helps to relax my mind.”





Image shows volunteer John. He is sitting on a sofa and one arm is resting over the back of the sofa.

John is one of our fabulous Tech Volunteers. He irons out all those niggling common tech issues that when you are blind or partially sighted are even more difficult and frustrating to sort out! What would we do without him?

“The good thing with volunteering is that it’s flexible and there’s no pressure to work to a certain number of hours or to work at a specific schedule.”

Thank you for volunteering with us John!

Whether a Tech Volunteer, Home Visitor or Phone Befriender, we’ll have something to suit you.

Discover our volunteering opportunities today on our website at Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey or email our Volunteering Team at: