Press, PR & Publications

Front cover of Signpost Spring Summer featuring Natalie from the Community Champions Team and Yola, who is supported by the charity. They are each holding a mug and holding them in a cheers pose.

Signpost Magazine

Our bi-annual magazine featuring news from Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey.

Image shows a plain leaflet sitting in a leaflet dispenser.


A selection of our leaflets and posters all available to download

Image shows a piece of paper on a desk surrounded by a calculator, pen and pair of glasses.

Financial Reports

Our audited accounts and Impact Report.

A drawing of an eye with a line through it

Vision Impairment





Hard of Hearing

Hard of Hearing

Image shows a member of staff from the charity sitting next to a young boy who is tilting his head upwards, he has a beaming smile.

Children & Young People

Technology & Equipment

Technology & Equipment

Picture shows a woman in a Sight for Surrey branded top signing in BSL to another lady

Interpreting & Communications