Signpost Winter 2022/23 front coverThe latest issue of Signpost magazine is out now, and copies are winging their way to you, in your preferred format.

The Winter 2022/23 issue is yet again brimming with news and stories about what we have been up to over the summer (including a 999 BSL launch event and our VI & Deaf Cricket Day), plus details of our forthcoming Christmas carol fundraising concert, an article about our new Chair of Trustees, and board members, and the cost of living crisis.


Signpost is available in the following formats:

Signpost Winter 2022/23 Large Print

British Sign Language 


Screen reader friendly

Braille – pre-order only.


If you, or someone you know, would like to receive a copy of Signpost please contact us via our Helpdesk on 01372 377701. Otherwise email with your name and address and a copy in large print, audio on CD or USB stick, can be sent out to you in the post.

So, what are you waiting for? Sit down with a cuppa and enjoy!