Macular Week runs from Monday 24th June to Sunday 30th June and is an awareness week to highlight the UK biggest eye condition, Macular Degeneration, that affects 1.5million in the UK alone .

At Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey we support over 5,000 people with Macular Degeneration in Surrey which leaves people unable to recognise faces or objects.

Currently there is no cure for Macular Degeneration. There are many forms of the disease including Age-Related Macular which is the biggest cause of sight loss in the UK, affecting more than 700,000 people, and one our Patron, Dame Judi Dench is affected by.

At Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey we are here right from the outset when people are first diagnosed with an eye condition with our Eye Clinic Liaison Officers and provide bespoke support to individuals and their families. We help people to access the range of services offered by us and other organisations. We also provide further emotional, social and practical support in the form of our Rehabilitation Support Workers and Meet Up Catch Up events. Further information of each of these can be found on our website or call our Helpdesk on 01372 377701.

The Macular Society will lead the conversation around Macular Degeneration, the importance of eye health and the journey to find a cure as part of Macular Week. For support from the Macular Society please call their Helpline on 0300 3030 111 or visit their website Beating Macular Disease – Macular Society.