Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey’s online Winter Appeal launched at the beginning of December with the gorgeous smiling faces of Amy and Christian, two of the many young children supported by the charity, and now the lovely Matilda joins them.

Please click here to donate today to support our Winter Appeal

Our Winter Appeal is designed to raise vital funds to help support people across Surrey who are Deaf, hard of hearing, blind, partially sighted and deafblind to live fulfilling and independent lives, and we need your help to achieve this!

Read more about Harley, Matilda, Christian and Amy featured in our campaign:

Image shows two young boys, one has his harm around the others neck, their heads are bent close together, they are both wearing Santa hats and their image is surrounded by a bauble shape with the words 'Donate to brighten futures in Surrey on the right of the image.Meet Harley and his younger brother Jacob. Harley was diagnosed blind with no light perception by Great Ormond Street hospital at the age of four months. Shortly after this diagnosis, his family was introduced to Sensory Services by Sight For Surrey.

Now, aged eight, Harley and the rest of his family feel very lucky to have a charity like Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey in their lives supporting us.

Harley’s mum Genie writes, “We have enjoyed many trips and days out with the charity, including a two night residential stay with other families which was fantastic and enjoyed by all. Harley’s younger brother is also included in all events and thoroughly enjoys them. It has been so important to meet other families in a similar situation and share stories, hints, tips and advice. Through the charity, Harley is supported weekly by a cane habilitation specialist who assists Harley with his mobility and helps promote him to be independent as possible.

I would like to say a huge thank you to Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey for everything they have done for Harley and our family. It is very comforting as a parent to know that the charity will always be on hand to support Harley throughout his life and we look forward to the many fantastic events and opportunities to come.”

Please click her to donate today to support our Winter Appeal

Image shows a young girl with long hair, tinted glasses and wearing a Santa hat, her image is surrounded by a bauble shape and the words 'Donate to brighten futures in Surrey' is sitting on the right.

Matilda, aged seven, was registered as severely sight impaired in 2018 and came under the wings of the charity shortly after.

Matilda’s Mum, Lisa, said, “Our family life, and especially Matilda’s has been vastly improved by the services and support from the charity.

Matilda has received valuable long cane training and road safety as well as providing great practical tips and advice for day to day living. She loves attending the exciting array of social activities like gymnastics, ice skating and clip and climb. During these events, Matilda can mix with other children with disabilities, and make friends outside her immediate social group. This has really helped her to feel accepted for who she is, and not be socially isolated because of her sensory impairment. This in turn has had a huge impact on her emotional and mental well-being and she has grown in both confidence and independence.

Life is certainly a lot brighter knowing that she has the support now, and in the future.”

Image shows: Christian wearing a Santa hat smiling, the image is surrounded by a bauble shape and has writing to the right saying Donate to brighten futures in Surrey.

Christian, aged 10, has retinal dystrophy, and is registered blind. The charity was the only organisation that offered Christian, and his family, the opportunity to relate and feel part of the Surrey community through the events they participate in and the friendships they have made. Christian has received habilitation support and mobility training, and his confidence towards independent living is enhanced enormously.

The provision of a Braille machine that was made available to Christian has improved his reading and writing skills tremendously.

Christian’s Dad, Chris said, “The family cannot thank the charity enough. Long live Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey.”

Amy, aged nine, is registered as severely sight impaired. Amy has been supported by the charity since 2018. She is learning some valuable life skills and growing in confidence and independence, and making friends along the way at the Children and Young People’s Services (CYPS) events she attends. From habilitation and mobility training to attending vision impaired (VI) gymnastics sessions, Amy’s Mum, Monica said, “I am so grateful to the team at the charity for all the support they have provided for Amy.”

Can you help make life brighter this winter for families and children like Amy, Christian and Matilda by donating to our Winter Appeal?Image shows a young girl laughing at the camera, she is wearing a Santa hat and a red coat, she is surrounded by a bauble shape. The words 'Donate to brighten futures in Surrey' sit to her right in bold

  • Your £10 donation will go towards an arts and crafts session for a child who is vision impaired to have lots of fun like their friends do
  • Your £50 donation will help someone receive advice and benefits support if they are struggling to pay their bills this winter
  • Your £100 donation will pay for two sessions with our IT trainer to learn about all the relevant apps and IT equipment available.

By supporting Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey this winter you will enable people who are Deaf, hard of hearing, blind, partially sighted and deafblind to live life with freedom, choice and respect.

More stories of children we support will be released over the month of December.