Image shows Cathy Long, ECLO pedaling on our smoothie bike, blending her own delicious smoothie.National Eye Health Week (NEHW) takes place from 23rd to 29th September 2024. The week promotes the importance of good eye health and regular eye tests for all, as well as sharing important eye care information and encouraging individuals to make healthier lifestyle choices which will in turn benefit your eye health.

We have had great fun filming content for our social media channels for NEHW so do watch out for our post and reels on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. These contain our top tips for keeping your eyes in good condition, and footage of staff from the charity using pedal power to blend their own delicious and healthy drinks on our smoothie bike for optimum eye health.

For further details on National Eye Health Week please visit

Image shows Joe Collins, Deaf Services Team, pedalling on our smoothie bike making his own delicious smoothie.Image shows Tony Greene, Resource Centre Manager pedalling on our smoothie bike with both of his arms raised in the air.