
Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey is involved in many projects which allow people with a vision or hearing impairment, who are Deaf, or have combined sight and hearing loss to be independent, learn new skills and simply enjoy life. Your donation, however big or small, can help us maintain these projects and develop new ones to ensure we meet the needs of the people we support.

£10 will go towards an arts and crafts session for a child who is vision impaired to have lots of fun like their friends do

£15 ensures a newly-diagnosed person who could possibly feel isolated or vulnerable, will receive a home visit from an experienced and trained Outreach Worker.

£25 allows a child to experience an audio-described theatre experience.

£30 gives a communication class to a person where they can learn Braille, smart phone technology and various computer programmes so that they can better connect with other people.

£50 means we can make an important health message video in BSL and post on social media

£50 will help someone receive advice and benefits support if they are struggling to pay their bills this winter

£100 funds a child with a vision impairment to experience an adventure experience, such as paragliding in a safe and supportive environment among fully trained staff

£100 will pay for two sessions with our IT trainer to learn about all the relevant apps and IT equipment available

£200 would provide an intervenor for a deaf blind child at a social or sporting inclusion event.

If you would like to set up a standing order to us, please download the following link to our Donation Form, complete it and send it back to us at