Resource Centre
There is a vast array of equipment on the market that can assist people with a sight or hearing impairment in many number of ways. This could be lighting and magnification aids in order to see objects and text more clearly, or simple aids to daily living such as talking watches, speaking mobile phones and tablets, alarm clocks, cooking aids, access to books, vibrating alarm clocks, flashing doorbells etc.
A display of some of this equipment and aids (but not all) is based at our offices in Fetcham.
Our display includes…
- Talking and easy-to-see clocks and watches
- Amazon Alexa
- Adapted iPads, iPhones and Samsung Tablets
- Aids for the home and kitchen
- Lighting
- Computers with magnification and speech software. See the Technology Service’s Video about specialised computer equipment that has helped our clients.
- Magnifiers
- Reading and writing aids
- High tech devices, mobile phones, Ebook readers, and talking labels
- Large Button Telephones and Amplified Telephones
- Listening Devices
- Vibrating Alarm clocks
- Flashing doorbells
- Adapted smoke alarms
N.B. We do not stock or sell mobile phones
You must book a visit to the Resource Centre in advance so as to avoid disappointment, particularly as it can take an hour or more for an appropriate assessment, and have a hands-on look at items of interest.
Visitors to the Resource Centre often come with their partner, friend, family escort or carer and they are very welcome to participate in the experience.
If a personal companion is not available to assist you with your visit, we will endeavour to provide you with a volunteer driver, for which we rely on donations.
Please call the Helpdesk to make your appointment on 01372 377701 or email